Day: 10 August 2014

Listen and Learn

Listen and Learn
(You are free to reprint this article in any media as long as it remains in intact and the byline below the article is included.)

Ladoo was my little much-loved dachshund who died in March 2013. In the aftermath of her death, I was surprised by the number of people who contacted me to convey their condolences. Perhaps, I hadn’t expected so many people to understand my bond with this furkid. I was deeply touched by all their gestures. There was one person, however, who stood out among them all. When I telephoned her, I apologised for being sad and promised that I would soon be able to move on. Her response was, “This is your time to feel. Take however long you wish.” I have tried to describe what this meant and the closest I’ve come to is this: she offered me her time and space.

Read more on Listen and Learn…


Showing Off Isn’t Always Bad

Showing Off Isn’t Always Bad
(You are free to reprint this article in any media as long as it remains in intact and the byline below the article is included.)

In my role as a contributor for the newspapers, I come across a multitude of people during my assignments. My experiences have been generally positive. However, one experience stood out and it was with a man who refused to reveal his age, marital status or even his full name. He insisted that he only wanted to speak about the project he was involved in. What hit a raw nerve, though, was when he said; “I don’t see why the Malaysian public need [sic.] to know any of this info [sic]. No need to show off.”

Read more on Showing Off Isn’t Always Bad…
