Support for this Website

This website was created and developed by Aneeta Sundararaj. To this day, she manages it on her own, but relies heavily on support garnered from her columnists and readers. If you would like to show your support, there are many ways in which you can help:

1. To send an email
Click on the button below and send an email to everyone you know telling them about this site.

2. To post a link to How To Tell A Great Story.
Title: How To Tell A Great Story
Description: Get all relevant information on the art of storytelling, story writing, storytelling ideas, skills, methods and techniques, etc.
Link to:

3. To host our banner: Right-click on the image below and click on ‘Save’

How To Tell A Great Story
How To Tell A Great Story

4. To host the dust jacket of the eBook: Right-click on the image below and click on ‘Save’

5. Earn a commission from Clickbank when you sell ‘How To Tell A Great Story’

If you have a Clickbank account, here’s the link you can use to promote and sell (and get a commission) the eBook – [Note, you have to enter your Clickbank id and will be taken to a page that gives you the full code to use on your website/blog]

6. Advertise With Us
We accept advertisements for products, services, books and websites that are of interest to storytellers worldwide. Our newsletter, Great StoryTelling Network, has more than 3,500 with many more joining each week. We receive over 800 visitors and 1,200 + page views a day. Also, we now have close to 1,000 pages on this website and more pages are being added each day.

In summary, we offer 2 options:

Option 1: A Guest Blog

Post details – For full details, please read our page: Guidelines for Blog Post

If you’d like to go ahead and invest in a blog post, then please click here (please read the guidelines, first as there is no guarantee that if payment is accepted, your post will be published).

Option 2: Ads (whether text or graphic or both) on the right hand margin on all pages of the website.

Ad details:

  • 25 word maximum (exclusive of title)
  • If you have a graphic, it must be in JEPG format and no more than 140 pixels x 140 pixels
  • Recurring payment of $30.00 every month

Your credit card will be billed automatically each month, unless you cancel your order. Once your payment has been processed, you will be given the details of where to send your ad to.

7. Donate to our Website:
If you have found this website useful, please consider making a donation by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button below:

Whichever method you’ve chosen to support us, please know that we are very grateful. If you would like to contact us further, please send an email to

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