Day: 7 February 2013

Computer Games as Storytelling

Computer Games as Storytelling

Most computer games these days have some kind of narrative to hold them together. Have you played online casino like 666CASINO before? do you think playing online casino games is telling you something? What’s the point in blasting away all those aliens if you never end up saving the universe? Why bother running and jumping through all those rat-infested tombs if all you get are a few points? Story can provide the motivation for all the various actions you perform in a game, even if the story is sometimes thin or implausible. I really love overwatch and found a great site ( to bet on the professional teams.

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Compiling the ‘Perfect’ Job Application

Compiling the ‘Perfect’ Job Application

When you apply for a job, your aim should always be to present a ‘perfect’ job application. What this means is that your application should get the immediate attention of your prospective employer by reflecting your credentials, skills and experience; it should put you ahead of other candidates applying for the same job. There are, essentially, three parts to compiling the perfect job application.

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Comic Book History, Fascinating!

Comic Book History, Fascinating!

The origins of the comic book are somewhat controversial and perhaps the jury is still out on comic book history. So lets go back to the cartoonish broadsheets of the Middle Ages, which were parchment products, created by anonymous woodcutters. These could have been the very beginnings of the comic book.

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Corporate Storytelling™ Fires Up Employees–and the Bottom Line

Corporate Storytelling™ Fires Up Employees–and the Bottom Line

Symbols, drama, stories, vision and love–these are the stuff of effective leadership, much more so than formal processes or structures….When you involve people, they feel ownership and perform up to 1,000% better.
– Tom Peters, A Passion for Excellence

Is your entire company burning with excitement about your vision? Is everyone in your organization–employees, associates, customers and suppliers–so charged up by the corporate story that they’re eager to tell it to others? Or has your story–and your entire company–lost its spark?

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Clay plots: stories for the young at art – Brief Article

Clay plots: stories for the young at art – Brief Article

Storytellers are treasured in many cultures. In fact, in many, storytelling is the traditional way to initiate the young in the beliefs and experiences of the elders. Storytellers have a flair, a cadence and intonation that grabs the interest and imagination of others, weaving with words the images of the past or predictions of the future.

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Characters: The Building Blocks of Fiction

Characters: The Building Blocks of Fiction

All good fiction starts with characters. Characters are the central focus of your story; they control the plot, causing its twists and turns and ultimate resolution. A mistake many writers make is conceiving the plot first and then plugging one-dimensional characters into this storyline, simply moving them from point A to point B. This results in a flat story void of any emotion. Even the most thrilling adventure won’t appeal to readers if they don’t care about the people involved.

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