You’ve written your story and now you want to send it off to a publisher. But is your story ready to be sent off? To increase your chances of getting published the following tips should help get your story ready for publication:
- A good title can help catch the editor/publisher’s eye;
- Always include a beginning, middle and an ending in your stories;
- Edit for clarity as well as grammar, spelling, etc…;
- Always use correct (or publisher required) manuscript presentation;
- Include a front and back coversheet;
- Include a SSAE;
- Stick to the required word count and format;
- The less work the editor/publisher has to do, the more likely your piece will be accepted (but don’t make your manuscript look like a book, that’s the editor/publisher’s job);
- Always be professional.
If you can submit an error-free, professional-looking manuscript, you will have already beaten all the other writers who think they’ll get their story noticed if it’s printed on pink paper, bordered with little stars, or hand-written in old gothic. None of these strategies will give you an edge; they will only make you look too eccentric to be worth an editor’s trouble.
Being neat, professional and competitive may help to put you ahead of the rest and get your story published.
Kristy Taylor is a syndicated freelance journalist with articles and short stories strewn across all forms of media. She has written and published numerous books, and is the executive editor of KT Publishing, which encompasses several web sites. For free listings of short story competitions visit
To contact Kristy, email her at
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