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The blurb reads as follows:
What makes dachshunds special? Can a dog be ‘Indian’ or ‘Chinese’? Do dachshunds have temper tantrums? These are some of the questions asked and answered in twelve stories about Ladoo, an exuberant dachshund with a big heart. This collection of entertaining stories will make you laugh and you will certainly appreciate dachshunds even more. Above all, these stories show that if you open your heart to a dog, in return, it will give you its whole heart and more.
Here are some of the lovely things people have said about Ladoo and the book:
Aneeta’s dedication to and love for Ladoo tells us what we know in our hearts to be true, but often take for granted. Like a mother’s hug, her work is warm and endearing. Thank you Aneeta, thank you Ladoo – G. Rajasingam
When I first saw Ladoo and Aneeta together, I was reminded of what Sir Walter Scott once wrote: ‘The desire for offspring is deeply implanted in the female breast.’ I’ve watched Ladoo grow into a lovely girl and, yes, save for talking, she might as well have been human. … To paraphrase Lord Byron: ‘Ladoo has already mingled with the gods.’ … Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Azlanii Dr. M. Mahadevan
… Starting with a short definition of ‘dachshund’, the author moves to endear Ladoo to us. We are shown Ladoo as she grows up, in her various moods. We laugh and are amused at the various aspects of Ladoo so realistically shared with us. Aneeta takes us on a journey of a life and, finally, we cry with her through Ladoo’s illness and ultimate passing. … Anyone who has enjoyed the companionship of the four-legged will be able to empathise and walk through the author’s experiences as we discover the unconditional love of our pets and depths to ourselves which we may not otherwise have explored. … Toh Puan Umasundari Sambanthan
This is a touching love story between a woman and a dog. It is no ordinary love. It’s a mother’s love – pure and undefiled. The law of attraction prevailed at the first encounter itself between the two – commonly termed as ‘love at first sight’. … The feelings expressed by the writer, her choice of words at every traumatic situation at every turn of the development in the dog’s life and how she managed to find the solutions, some of which were painful decisions, can kindle the emotions of even the steeled mind. …. Datin Paduka Mother A Mangalam
The author shows a tremendous love for Ladoo that is infectious and draws the reader into the story. Author smartly includes a great collection of well-researched facts about dachshunds as a breed, adding a great fascination to the book. Well done. Dog-lovers will admire the effort put into sharing the history of this type of dog.
We get a nice balance of excitement and tension when she seeks to get a dog, breaking the rules of her flat in the process. She’s determined and passionate, and while we worry about her getting caught, we understand the connection to Ladoo and the soul desire to have a dog. Well done. Nicely crafted.
Watch out for periods of telling, rather than showing through sensory details and movement. There are some strings of minutiae like ‘My telephone rang. I rose to my feet and went to pick it up. It was my mother. This was the gist of our conversation.’ This is not as engaging as using sensory details, such as feeling the vibration of the telephone on the floorboards, or a physical reaction such as dread when she hears her mother’s voice. Add experientials to action or plot scenes to create moments for the reader to experience. For instance, when she pets Ladoo, what does the fur feel like? What is Ladoo’s expression? That’s what dog-loving readers know and want to feel from this story.
Watch out for typos and misspellings that distract the reader from the book as well. We’re immersed in the story, wanting to know more about the author’s connection with the dog, and when typos occur, it pulls us away from the heart of the book.
The ending coverage of Ladoo’s passing is sad because we know a pet’s loss is sad, but I would have liked to know more about the physical and emotional experience of the author’s loss in some revelatory and unique way. A good story…just needs to go a bit deeper with experientials.
Judge, 3rd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published eBook Awards.
Thank you for your support and I have no doubt that Ladoo will be wagging her tail, joyous in the knowledge that everyone’s reading about her!
Ladoo Dog: Tales of a Sweet Dachshund in the news
Article in the newspapers: No petty affair
Here are reviews we’ve received for this book:
I own a black and tan miniature longhaired Dachshund. Before she came into my life I did not like small dogs especially dachshunds. I’d only met a few in my life and that was at a distance.
My neighbor brought home a miniature longhaired doxie puppy for his kids. They named her Dolly. I soon discovered that Dolly hated old men especially big and tall old men with beards. Yes she hated me as only a dachshund can.
Age brings patience. There was a time in my life I’d have been very offended by a dog that refused to stop barking at me. Instead, I look at her and think “That’s a brave little dog.” ” She’s cute too.” A few days later I looked at her and said; ” You don’t know it yet, but someday you and me will be friends.” Dolly went ballistic when I said that.
It took a month and a half for me to be able to touch her for the first time and she did not like it.
I’ll skip forward in time here. It’s six months later. My neighbors divorce and the man of the house moves out. Dolly is depressed. Then all at once she does something that dachshunds do so very well. She made a decision on her own. The decision was that I was going to be her new owner.
My wife and I had sworn that we’d never own another dog.. We enjoyed Dolly coming to visit but we tried to discourage her. What we got instead was a learning experience. We learned that it’s nearly impossible to stop a dachshund with a set goal on their mind.
We now own Dolly but I believe the term “Doxie parents” is more appropriate. She’s family. Our lives have been improved by her presence.
What a lovely story, Carl. Thank you for sharing it. And to Dolly … welcome to the family.
My favourite sentence in this story is this: Then all at once she does something that dachshunds do so very well. She made a decision on her own.
How very true.