Month: January 2019

Great Storytelling Network Newsletter – 15 January 2019

How To Tell A Great StoryGreat StoryTelling Network Newsletter
Volume 15, Issue 1 – 15 January 2019

Happy New Year!

In this edition, I have one story only. It’s a story I wrote months ago to answer a call for submissions. When it wasn’t accepted, I submitted it to several papers locally and none of them accepted it. Finally, it was accepted by an online publication, but with permission, I’ve reproduced the whole piece for you.

Read more on Great Storytelling Network Newsletter – 15 January 2019…


In the Shade of a Mango Tree – Interview with Dato’ Dr. Andrew Mohanraj (15 January 2019)

Dato’ Dr. Andrew Mohanraj

“Same old. Same old. 2004 has been so boring.” These were the words my friend said on Christmas Eve. Neither of us was aware that our belief that the year would end on a dull note was premature. On Boxing Day, I was at home in Alor Setar. I was busy caring for my puppy who was recuperating from an operation. I’d shortened her leash by twirling it around one leg of our dining table so that she would remain in one spot. Suddenly, the glasses in our cabinets rattled and the dining table shook. This tiny little dog is too strong, I thought. Yes, looking back, this makes little sense. At the time, though, I was so focused on trying to make sure my fussing dachshund stayed still that no other reason for the house shaking occurred to me.

Read more on In the Shade of a Mango Tree – Interview with Dato’ Dr. Andrew Mohanraj (15 January 2019)…
