Month: March 2018

Great Storytelling Network Newsletter – 15 March 2018

How To Tell A Great StoryGreat StoryTelling Network Newsletter
Volume 14, Issue 3 – 15 March 2018

After the last newsletter was sent out, I received an email from a subscriber asking me about editors he could work with. This gave me the impetus to write about my journey so far with editors, agents and publishers with regard to ‘the novel’. As I’ve said in the story below, although I can now laugh at some of what happened, there was a time I was in tears for days.

Read more on Great Storytelling Network Newsletter – 15 March 2018…


The Foolproof Guide to Publish Your First E-book on Amazon

By Rohi Shetty

Once you have done the incredibly difficult task of completing your first book, you need to decide where to publish it. Let us assume that you have decided to save yourself the time, money, energy, and stress of trying to persuade a traditional publisher to publish your book. Instead, you take the first definitive step to name, fame, and gain and publish it yourself. Kudos! Onward.

Read more on The Foolproof Guide to Publish Your First E-book on Amazon…
