Great StoryTelling Network Newsletter
Volume 12, Issue 14 – 14 December 2016
How To Tell A Great Story |
Clickbank Link
Columnists’ Books|
Aneeta Sundararaj|
Ladoo Dog|
Website Makeover|
My Cholesterol Journey in Malaysia|
Eric Okeke|
Corruption, Stop it!|

Rohi Shetty|
200 Humorous Tweetable Quotations |
Bill Keeth | Every Street in Manchester|
Write It Self-Publish It

Thank you for all the lovely messages I received after the last newsletter was sent out. They all touched me deeply.

This is the also the last edition of this newsletter for 2016. I hope you will enjoy the stories here.

I wish you all Season’s Greetings and look forward to a prosperous and happy new year.

Happy storytelling.
Aneeta Sundararaj

STORY ASIA: Generous ambitions via social enterprise

THE youngest sibling in any family may recognise the many emotions when receiving hand-me-downs. Be it a frayed much-loved teddy bear, worn out clothes or half-broken toys, it’s as though the eldest, by accident of birth, is entitled to new stuff… and the youngest is expected to settle for less-than-perfect stuff.

This wasn’t the case with Ong Kay Kay. The youngest of three children says: “When I got a hand-me-down, I felt it was something new. It’s still useful and exciting. The item got my attention.”

As her story unfolds, Kay Kay’s positive persona has had such an impact on her life that it’s no surprise that she is today part of a team that emerged as one of the six winning ones in a global programme known as the Young Social Enterprise (YSE) 2016 programme by Singapore International Foundation.

To read more, please click here.

A TO Z CHALLENGE – ‘R for Room and Board’ by Aneeta Sundararaj

“You know, I know a little bit about Brisbane. I used to stay there during my school holidays.” The lady on the other end of the phone line was called Usha. We had been introduced to each other by some writers in Malaysia and the plan was to collaborate on an online writing project. I’d insisted on speaking with her before we even started. We’d already sorted out the preliminaries when I decided to tell about the people I’d once stayed with in Brisbane. After all, the Malaysian community in Brisbane was quite small. And the first thing a Malaysian will often do in a foreign country is find another Malaysian.

“Oh, where in Brisbane?” Usha sounded chirpy. She had already told me how happy she was having made Australia their home years ago.

“Somewhere called Kenmore.” I answered, not expecting her to know the place. After all, Australia is a vast place and Brisbane was big city – by Malaysian standards, at least. I mean, if you come to KL and ask me about Puchong, I would be lost. I know about Puchong and how to get there. Beyond that, I’m lost….

To read more, please click here.

BLOW YOUR OWN TRUMPET!: Beyond Satisfaction – Interview with Breanne Dyck

Rohi: How much time did it take you to write the first edition of Beyond Satisfaction? And what changes have you made in the second edition?

Breanne: The first edition of Beyond Satisfaction came together very quickly. I developed it as part of the Gumroad Small Product Lab, in which you start, finish, market and sell a book in ten days. That said, the first edition was probably better called a “micro-book” rather than a proper book. For the second edition, it’s been dramatically revised and reworked. There’s three times as much content, extended case studies, action step sections and more. It’s basically a whole new book.

Rohi: Can you describe your writing process?

Breanne: It’s probably more fair to call it an “assembly” process. For the book, it was a matter of pulling together blog posts, emails and other content I’d generated previously and then structuring it to form a cohesive body of work. Even for blog posts, though, I usually start by “talking it out.” I’ll record myself talking about the topic, and then turn that into written content.

Rohi: How do you schedule the time to write in the midst of all your other commitments? …

To read more please click here.

STILLNESS AND FLOW: Are You a Writer Who Doesn’t Exercise? by Rohi Shetty

The most common reason why we writers don’t exercise is because we don’t have time. Yet we somehow magically find time to watch our favorite TV shows.

Often we don’t feel like exercising. We feel too tired or stressed and just want to relax after a hard day’s work. Finally, even if we start exercising, we soon give up because of boredom. Of course, we are writers and artists, so we can come up with a hundred other reasons for not exercising.

There is a simple solution to all these excuses: Exercise while watching TV!

Five benefits of exercising while watching TV

Exercising while watching TV (or funny cat videos on YouTube) is a no-brainer. Check out all its benefits:
Guilt-free TV:

To read more please click here.


Rohi Shetty is working on a new program, called The Ultimate Guide to Walking Meditation. Readers of How to Tell a Great Story are welcome to join the pilot course for free. Please email him at and he will send you a secret link to join the course as soon as it’s ready. You’ll also get a free review copy of his book.


How are people going to know about your resources if you don’t tell them? Here’s your chance – Send info about your stuff and we’ll post it here for free. Please keep the number of words to no more than 125. Send an email to with ‘Tell Everyone About …’ in the subject line.

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