Great StoryTelling Network Newsletter
Volume 12, Issue 6 – 22 June 2016
How To Tell A Great Story |
Clickbank Link
Columnists’ Books|
Aneeta Sundararaj|
Ladoo Dog|
Website Makeover|
My Cholesterol Journey in Malaysia|
Eric Okeke|
Corruption, Stop it!|

Rohi Shetty|
200 Humorous Tweetable Quotations |

We had to delay the publication of this newsletter by a week because of financial issues that needed sorting out. I do apologise.

Moving forward, in this edition, I have shared a story about grandchildren. Part of it was published in the papers here in Malaysia for Grandparents’ Day last year.

Rohi asks and answers the question ‘Are you a Writer Who Doesn’t Plan?’ in his story. And Bill Keeth shares a curious tale about Napoleon.

We also have ne announcements under ‘Tell Everyone About…’

Happy storytelling.
Aneeta Sundararaj


In this novel, the first by Matthew Thomas, the central narrative is the fight to gain possession of Ankara House, an ancestral property in Malabar. After Kochachen’s death, his son, Chacko, entrusts the property to his Nepali servant, Shastri Bahadur Ram, and continues to live in Myanmar (Burma). He returns to India after ten years only to find that Bahadur Ram had usurped Ankara House. Chacko’s brother-in-law, Colonel Titus Mathews, drives Bahadur Ram out. Unfortunately, Chacko decides to go to Malaya and leave Titus in charge of Ankara House. History repeats itself when he finally returns and to reclaim Ankara House. Will Jimmy, his son, (the protagonist) be able to fulfill his promise to Chacko to regain possession of their ancestral property?

The plot is engaging and entertaining, though it occasionally sags, for example, when Thomas devotes an entire chapter to a long description about the history of Syrian Christians. There are many interesting and touching twists and turns, which compelled me to keep turning the pages. Among the characters, Titus is the most memorable. Some of the supporting characters are interesting and amusing…

To read more, please click here.


“Raj has an aneurysm the size of a golf ball,” our family friend said about my father that sunny afternoon in December 1984. We were in Sydney, Australia for what was supposed to be a holiday. True, I was too young to understand what the words meant, but I was aware that Daddy was gravely ill.

We had already gone through something similar before. Daddy had had a heart attack a few years ago. My uncle was going through his second heart by-pass. I’d become used to the smell of hospitals and the routine that comes with someone who is ill. Still, hearing this word – aneurysm – frightened me.

Hours later, while Mummy was at the hospital to help Daddy prepare for emergency surgery, my grandmother, Amma, stayed with me at the motel. It was located in the centre of Bondi Junction and close to that famed Bondi Beach.

I sat in a chair frozen while Amma prepared dinner, fed me and got me ready for bed. At eight o’clock, she switched on the television, but neither of us paid much attention to the programme.

A while later, Amma switched off the television and sat next to me. She lifted my shaking hands and said, “Put your palms together.”

To read more, please click here.

STILLNESS AND FLOW: Are You A Writer Who Doesn’t PLAN? by Rohi Shetty

Do you intend to make a living off your writing and quit your day job? Then you need to think of yourself not only as a professional writer but also as a creative entrepreneur.

What’s the first step in transforming your freelance writing efforts into a business?

A business plan.

Most writers either don’t have a business plan in place or spend too much time creating an elaborate business plan, which is neither practicable nor actionable.

Your first business plan should be short and easy to implement. And most important, it should be flexible, so that you can adapt it to changes in your circumstances, interests, or goals.

Here’s the template for a basic business plan that you can complete within 30 minutes. Don’t procrastinate on this. Schedule 30 minutes today, set your timer, and fill in this template.

Even if you have a business plan already, this template will help to clarify your vision for your writing career and help you to act with greater focus. (And if you want a 3-year plan, check out Mridu Khullar’s blog post in the resources below.)…

To read more, please click here.

WISP – when napoleon was Listed Among the British War dead

…The only child of the Emperor Napoleon III of France and the Empress Eugenie, the Prince Imperial relocated with his family to England when his father, son of a younger brother of Napoleon I, was ousted from the French throne, after the Franco-Prussian War.

He trained as a soldier and, keen to see action, he, his mother and Queen Victoria herself  persuaded the British to allow him to participate in the  Zulu War, where to Baron Chelmsford, the infamous loser of the Isandlwhana massacre was ordered to take care of him…..

To read more please click here.


Do check out this link to YouTube – Where the Durian Tree Grows by Leela Chakrabarty about my new book, ‘Where the Durian Tree Grows’.

Thank you and regards- really do appreciate this!


Prize: £50 to the winning entry, via PayPal & publication in the Verbolatry newsletter
Eligibility: Anyone over the age of 18, except contest judges and family
Topic: Writing/publishing
Genres: Humorous fiction, humorous nonfiction
Language: English
Types: Cartoon, Essay
Essay – 100 words min., 500 words max., in message body
Cartoon – JPG, PNG or GIF file, resolution 75dpi min., dimensions 900x1400px max., as attachment
Original, previously unpublished work only
One entry per author, regardless of type
Mention the category and title of your entry in the subject line
Include an accurate word count
Tell us where you heard about this contest (You heard it from Rohi Shetty, a columnist at ‘How to Tell a Great Story)
Send entry to: v3rbolatry(at)gmail(dot)com
“Early Bird” submission period*: 1 April 2016 to 31 July 2016 Last date: 31 August 2016
Results announced: October 2016 newsletters


How are people going to know about your resources if you don’t tell them? Here’s your chance – Send info about your stuff and we’ll post it here for free. Please keep the number of words to no more than 125. Send an email to with ‘Tell Everyone About …’ in the subject line.

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