Great StoryTelling Network Newsletter
Volume 12, Issue 3 – 4 May 2016
How To Tell A Great Story |
Clickbank Link
Columnists’ Books|
Aneeta Sundararaj|
Ladoo Dog|
Website Makeover|
My Cholesterol Journey in Malaysia|
Eric Okeke|
Corruption, Stop it!|

Rohi Shetty|
200 Humorous Tweetable Quotations |

In today’s edition, I am sharing the 3rd story from the ‘A to Z Challenge’, ‘Ch for Chinese or Indian’. Rohi gives you the 4 steps you need to take to achieve self-publishing superstardom. Eric’s story is Part 1 of the Introduction to his book.

Happy storytelling.
Aneeta Sundararaj

1000 REVIEWS: Review of Becoming: The Life & Musings of a Girl Poet by Nadia Janice Brown

I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of poems by Nadia Janice Brown. They are spiritual, inspirational and full of ‘writer’ sensibility, which I love. The tone is ‘quiet,’ making this little collection perfect for your night table, to be read before bedtime.

Brown’s pen touches upon various subjects: God, the Genesis, marriage, fear, happiness, love, inspiration, writer’s block, and the daily tribulations and insecurities of writers, just to name a few. Some poems break the general tone and are more serious, such as the one titled, “So this is Love?”

To read more, please click here.

A TO Z CHALLENGE – ‘c for chinese or indian? by Aneeta Sundararaj

My little dachshund was called Ladoo. Over the years, I’ve come to accept, albeit grudgingly, that not everyone will love Ladoo as whole-heartedly as I do. Still, I never saw what was coming one afternoon in July 2006. I was on the telephone when someone rang my doorbell. I put the call on hold and answered the door. It was my neighbour (I still don’t know her name. So I’ve named her Saw Phan Nee). She shouted at me then stormed off to her flat. Stunned, I closed my door, ended the phone call and went outside to speak with her.

What brought this on? Everything had been fine so far.

When I rang her doorbell, she answered the door, but kept the grille between us locked, thereby, making it obvious that I was not to enter her flat.

“What is wrong? Why are you so angry?”

Phan Nee hesitated before saying, “Your dog barks.”

I frowned at her. What did she expect my dog to do? It was a dog. Dogs bark. I was tempted to ask if she expected Ladoo to talk to her in English.

“You must take your dog to a specialist.” It was a statement, not a request.

“Why are you so angry with my dog? You are always complaining that security is bad. With this dog, there is more security.”

“I don’t care. Your dog has problems. You have to take it to the specialist.”

“But why? What do you mean?”

“You take to the doctor. He can … you know, cut.”  She lifted her chin and pointed to her throat.

I gasped. “Are you telling me to have my dog’s vocal cords cut?” ….

To read more, please click here.

Four Steps to Self-Publishing Superstardom by Rohi Shetty

Have you always wanted to publish a book on Amazon but not sure what to write about?

Do you have a good idea for a book but don’t know how to get started.

Or have you started writing your first book but are not sure how and where to publish it?

Digital publishing is a great way to turn your passion for writing into a viable business and make a comfortable living income from it.

Self publishing is a proven business model if you treat it like a business. This means that you have to write, publish and promote your e-books on Amazon Kindle and other platforms such as Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, etc. Once you have published a few e-books, you can sell print on demand books, audio books, online courses, and even membership sites.

The foundation of the self-publication business model is to find an audience who are interested in a specific topic, write books for those readers, and build a platform on serving their needs.

You can do this by using a simple 3Ps framework: passion, personal experience and profit.

Here are the four steps to go from newbie writer to successful digital publisher:…

To read more, please click here.

infosynthesis: Part 1 of Introduction to Big Pains, Small Pains…

Two young boys strolled out of home one hot afternoon in search of cold drinks and walked into trouble. Danger was looming nearby but they were unaware of it. The weather was harsh and electric power outage made home uncomfortable. The unbearable heat drove them out to refresh.

As they stepped out, the scorching sun hit them in the face. “My God, it is even hotter outside,” cried Jordan as he cupped his left hand over his eyes to shield it from sun rays. “Most shops in this neighborhood have not had power supply in the last two days. Sure we can get cold drinks around here?” he asked his junior brother walking beside him.

“We just have to search well,” said Jethro. “It’s bad enough to roast under this heat and you can’t chill.”

They checked all the shops in a side street for anything cold but drew blank. No cold drink.

“Let’s go home,” Jordan said weakly, wiping sweat from his forehead. I’m dehydrated and losing strength.”

“You give up easily,” Jethro replied. “Quitters don’t win. Let’s check the other street. I think some shops there chill drinks with ice blocks.”

“Am not going there,” Jordan protested. “That place is a slum infested with junkies and street urchins.”

“Let’s go,” Jethro persisted pulling his senior brother along. “We may just get what we want there. If not we check my friend who lives there. He may surprise us with something cold.” …

To read more please click here.


Hi Aneeta,

All of my Kindle books are available for free download from 3rd May to 7th May 2016, including How King Goldwish Became King Goldheart: An Illustrated Fairy Tale for Children (which is my personal favorite).

Here is the link to my Amazon Author Page: Rohi Shetty Amazon Author Page (Click on the book cover of each book to download it).

much metta,



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