Great StoryTelling Network Newsletter Volume 11, Issue 16 – 10 September 2014 Click here for the online version of this newsletter |
![]() | | | Kindle | Clickbank Link | *** Columnists’ Books| Aneeta Sundararaj| Ladoo Dog| Website Makeover| My Cholesterol Journey in Malaysia| Stranger Than Fiction!| Charles Bonasera| How in the Hell Did This Happen to Me? | The Mental Side of Golf| Eric Okeke| Corruption, Stop it!| Rohi Shetty| 200 Humorous Tweetable Quotations | |
I am in the process of getting rid of some of my books as they take up too much space. I wondered if anyone else faces problems selling their unused books. So I found an article by Judy Cullins that may be useful to you. I hope you enjoy reading this article as well as all the other stories out columnists choose to share. Happy storytelling. Aneeta Sundararaj
Ibu Maluku: The Story of Jeanne van Diejen by Ron Heynneman
Your book expresses your wondrous information, your creativity, and your genius. It’s your dream come true. Or is it? You have already tried a few venues–maybe an expo, book signings, press releases, book reviews, distributors, wholesalers, speaking and book tours. Now, there is a new way to market those unsold books. Use the Internet. And you don’t even have to have your own Web site or spend money. Get ready to create a continuous, passive income. Be ready for those checks and charges coming your way often! What Kind of Books Can I Market? Depending on your passion, your willingness to learn a new way, and putting energy into your campaign, you can market any kind of book: how-to, non-fiction, fiction, short special reports, booklets, training manuals, workbooks, poetry, short stories, articles. … To read more, please click here.
Glasgow sparkled with Commonwealth Games. Did your country participate?
Games bring them together every 4 years, in unity, and sporting spirit
The main reason why you don’t write regularly is because you don’t have enough time, right? Right! Work, family, social obligations, TV, random web surfing… (uh-huh, maybe best not to mention TV and random web surfing). You do have enough time to write. Time is NOT the problem. Try this powerful six-step writing productivity system: 1. Track how you spend your time for a week Download the Weekly Tracking Chart: Track what you are doing every 30 minutes for the next seven days. (30 minutes is just right—60 minutes is too long and 15 minutes may be too anal. Though if you want to track yourself every 15 minutes, go for it.) You can choose to print out the Weekly Tracking Chart and do the 30-minute tracking on paper. Or you can do the tracking on your computer or smartphone. At the end of seven days, analyze the results, crunch the numbers, create tables, graphs, pie-charts—you get the idea. Group your activities into categories such as writing, sleep, work, family, reading the newspapers, email, TV, surfing the web, etc….. To read more (and for download links) please click here.
(You are free to reprint this article in any media as long as it remains in intact and the byline below the article is included.) In my role as a contributor for the newspapers, I come across a multitude of people during my assignments. My experiences have been generally positive. However, one experience stood out and it was with a man who refused to reveal his age, marital status or even his full name. He insisted that he only wanted to speak about the project he was involved in. What hit a raw nerve, though, was when he said; “I don’t see why the Malaysian public need [sic.] to know any of this info [sic]. No need to show off.” If you have a product or service that you’d like to sell and you’re looking for publicity of any sort, look around you at the biggest names in your industry. Pick out the ones you consider credible experts. Now ask yourself how you came to know about these people’s work? Did you read about them? Did you hear them speak? If so, where, when and how? Or, did someone tell you about them? If so, where did these people hear about them? The point here is that these people came to be regarded as experts in their industry because they were able to successfully showcase their work or themselves. The manner in which they told people about their products and services was by sharing something of themselves. They did this by granting interviews, writing articles, writing a blog, joining competitions, hosting competitions and so much more… To read more, please click here.
Once, I heard a radio announcer proclaim that everyone gets sick before they die. I’m not sure whether a sudden heart attack or stroke might be an exception but that’s all about semantics. In this article, I wish to deal with some of the aspects of illness as they might affect older people. For them, it’s not just about their sitting around waiting to die. There’s much more to be considered. There are some major issues that the elderly need to face: not being needed as one had been previously, a loss of physical and mental control, facing the eventuality of death, the loss of loved ones and close friends and feeling like a burden. I will take each of these and describe the concerns associated with them. Not feeling Needed: Most young people aren’t aware of the importance of feeling needed in life. … To read more, please click here.
… 1947 From Shepherd Street, facing the side wall of Harpurhey Baths, you go through the gateway proclaiming ‘BOYS’ and ‘GIRLS’, and turn second right after a few yards into a dark passageway where Mrs Tancred and her helpers are hard at work in a room to your left, a room that exhales from its open door the smell of pure orange juice and milk at room temperature. Anthony Tomlinson is there before you, confiding in a whisper: ‘There’s no Father Christmas.’ What does he know? Best keep an open mind as long as the presents keep turning up. Up the single step, you go, and turn right into Sister Mary Josephine’s Reception Class where Sister maintains order with what subsequent study of Jimmy Cagney films will reveal to be a blackjack, though Sister Mary Josephine’s blackjack is made of wood and is applied to the palms of the hands, not the nape of the neck…. To read more, please click here.
*** nothing to report *** How are people going to know about your resources if you don’t tell them? Here’s your chance – Send info about your stuff and we’ll post it here for free. Please keep the number of words to no more than 125. Send an email to with ‘Tell Everyone About …’ in the subject line. Note: The Great Storytelling Network/How To Tell A Great Story will not be held liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages originating from the use of any information listed on our website or in our newsletter. By using this site and newsletter you agree to indemnify and hold all owners and representative parties of the Great Storytelling Network/How To Tell A Great Story harmless from any claim or demand originating out of your use of this website. Use of our website and newsletters is an indication of your complete understanding and acceptance of these Terms of Service. Thank you. |
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