Great StoryTelling Network Newsletter
Volume 11, Issue 15 – 27 August 2014
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How To Tell A Great Story |
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Columnists’ Books|
Aneeta Sundararaj|
Ladoo Dog|
Website Makeover|
My Cholesterol Journey in Malaysia|
Stranger Than Fiction!|
Charles Bonasera|
How in the Hell Did This Happen to Me? |
The Mental Side of Golf|
Eric Okeke|
Corruption, Stop it!|
Rohi Shetty|
200 Humorous Tweetable Quotations |

In this edition, we’ve chosen to highlight some stories about how to write and publish your own eBooks. I hope you find them useful.

Happy storytelling.

Aneeta Sundararaj


50 Biggest Blog Blunders and How to Avoid Them


It Just Occured to Me . . .: An Autobiographical Scrapbook by Humphrey Lyttelton

ARTICLE – Beginner’s Guide on How to Write an Ebook by Chung Lee

The hardest part of writing is the first sentence. When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task. That’s why you have to break it down into manageable tasks. Think of climbing a mountain. You are standing at the foot of it and looking up at its summit vanishing into the clouds. How can you possibly scale such an immense and dangerous mountain?

There is only one way to climb a mountain … step by step.

Now think of writing your ebook in the same light. You must create it step by step, and one day, you will take that last step and find yourself standing on the summit with your head in the clouds.

The first thing you have to do, as if you actually were a mountain climber, is to get organized. Instead of climbing gear, however, you must organize your thoughts. There are some steps you should take before you begin. Once you’ve gone through the following list, you will be ready to actually begin writing your ebook. …

To read more, please click here.

INFOSYNTHESIS – Lessons of Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup

B for Brazil. How is the mighty fallen in soccer
Remember, no champion for ever. Champions fall, new ones emerge
A king can be dethroned, even in his palace
Zebra crossings don’t exist in soccer pitch. Players in motion only stopped by referee or hard tackle
In 64 matches, 32 nations scored 171 goals…Average 2.5 goals per match
Look at spectators; 3.5 million went to stadia to watch matches


Wanted by FIFA…8 stadia; Brazil provided 12
Other figures…170 Yellow Cards; 10 Red Cards
Round the world, millions watched. Brazil-Germany match recorded highest number of tweets in history
Low moments of World Cup… The bite by the player, S—-Z. FIFA reacts with ban and fine. Fans of host nation cry out against hard times. First in World Cup history
Do something new. Goal line technology debuts in Brazil 2014. Empowers referees


Cost of Brazil 2014…More than US $ 12 billion…Citizens not happy
Under the heat and carbon emissions, soccer artistry was displayed. Stars emerge
Post World Cup…Players selling…Premier European clubs buying…Sign on discovered talent. World awaits next World Cup…Russia 2018

STILLNESS AND FLOW – How to read Kindle books without buying a Kindle

Over the past few weeks, several of my friends told me that they were disappointed that my e-books were available only as Kindle books. They said they didn’t have a Kindle so they couldn’t read my e-books. Fortunately, they are mistaken.

One of the biggest advantages of publishing on the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program is that you can read Kindle books not only on Kindle but also on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

To do this, you have to downloading free Kindle reading apps for each device. The full list of Kindle reading apps is here:

These Kindle apps give you access to over two million Kindle books in the Kindle Store, including new releases and best sellers. In addition, you can read thousands of free books including classics such as Pride and Prejudice, Treasure Island and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. You can also download and read a free sample of any Kindle book and then decide whether you want to buy it.

Individual Links to download free Kindle reading apps:….

To read more, please click here.

STORY ASIA – The Stuff of Stories – Goals, Motivation and Conflict

(You are free to reprint this article in any media as long as it remains in intact and the byline below the article is included.)

When creating a plot for any story, the building blocks of this element are the characters’ goals, motivation and the conflict they face. Goals are necessary to avoid the situation where your characters wander aimlessly throughout the story. They should have an idea of what they want and how to achieve such a goal. Motivation is the reason to why achieving such a goal is so important to each character. Nothing makes the words in a story jump off the page more than conflict. Such conflict can be both external an internal conflict

To illustrate these points in some detail, let’s use an example of a published eBook, The Secret of the King’s New Clothes: An Illustrated Funny Story for Children by Rohi Shetty. Briefly, this is a retelling of a popular children’s tale, ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’. In the story, the emperor is a vain man who constantly wants the best clothes. Two weavers come to town promising to make him the best clothes he’s ever seen. They fool everyone in the kingdom into believing that a person can see the clothes only if he or she is smart. A huge parade is arranged for the emperor to show off his new clothes. During the parade, it’s a child who speaks the truth that the emperor is actually wearing no clothes. The emperor is shamed and learns his lesson. Henceforth, he governs his kingdom wisely.

As we deconstruct the story, let’s look first a goals. Analyse the goals of each character in this story. The emperor’s was to look good all the time. He will do anything to achieve this goal to the point of neglecting his subjects. The rouge weavers’ was to make money. They saw an opportunity and took it…..

To read more, please click here.

THAT’S LIFE – Working With Teachers

My work with teachers began as an outgrowth of my work with children and families around problems that youngsters were experiencing in the classroom. As a member of a team of experts employed in a public school setting whose jobs is were to evaluate children with learning disabilities, my role evolved from evaluating the family situation as it may have contributed to the problems to becoming the liaison professional who worked with teachers and administrative officials to help them set up programs that could implement our recommendations. The other members of the team were a psychologist, speech and reading therapists and a nurse teacher and pediatrician. The recommendations could vary from working with the teacher’s understanding of the child’s emotional and/or academic problems to their understanding of how to deal with the family issues, which in many cases was found to be the primary source of the problem…..

To read more, please click here.

W.I.S.P. – Shepherd Street University: Part One – Three Reminiscences & a Eulogy

… 1947 From Shepherd Street, facing the side wall of Harpurhey Baths, you go through the gateway proclaiming ‘BOYS’ and ‘GIRLS’, and turn second right after a few yards into a dark passageway where Mrs Tancred and her helpers are hard at work in a room to your left, a room that exhales from its open door the smell of pure orange juice and milk at room temperature.

Anthony Tomlinson is there before you, confiding in a whisper: ‘There’s no Father Christmas.’

What does he know? Best keep an open mind as long as the presents keep turning up.

Up the single step, you go, and turn right into Sister Mary Josephine’s Reception Class where Sister maintains order with what subsequent study of Jimmy Cagney films will reveal to be a blackjack, though Sister Mary Josephine’s blackjack is made of wood and is applied to the palms of the hands, not the nape of the neck….

To read more, please click here.


*** nothing to report ***

How are people going to know about your resources if you don’t tell them? Here’s your chance – Send info about your stuff and we’ll post it here for free. Please keep the number of words to no more than 125. Send an email to with ‘Tell Everyone About …’ in the subject line.

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