Terror is my weapon, my armoury. It causes fear; destroys lives.

Every nation is vulnerable to me. I can hit anytime, anywhere.

Rout the enemy, destroy and kill. It makes me the champion.

Remember the damage I inflict on nations. It can be your turn one day.

Over my dead body can you stop me. My fame is spreading worldwide.

Read my lips; but you can’t see my face. I am a mask. I don’t dialogue.

I am terrorism. If you don’t meet my demands, I hit you hard. Ask Nigeria. I hit on land and air.

So you want to stop me. Try it, let’s see who will crash. Terror is worry.

Mark my words; the fear of me is the beginning of security. Meet my demands; I will leave you alone.

(30 July 2014)

Eric Okeke is a CSR specialist and strategist in brand marketing and mobilizing support for corporate and social issues. He is the brand storyteller, writer, speaker, author and media consultant, with training in chemistry, marketing and business journalism. As a business writer and speaker, he has recorded a good career in media consulting and journalism which he started at The Guardian, Lagos.

Eric’s communications niche is storytelling which he is now using to empower professionals and improve business returns in Nigeria. Email him at, ericokeke@gmail.com, ericosamba@yahoo.com Tel +234 803 301 4609; +234 817 301 4609.

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