Day: 30 June 2014

“Sevens” and Ways to Use the Magic of Numbers for Storytelling

“Sevens” and Ways to Use the Magic of Numbers for Storytelling

Previously, I wrote about the prevalence of the number “three” in stories and story structure. Because this article received a great deal of attention, I decided it was time to investigate another number that crops up in titles, how-tos and stories – the number seven. After several hours of research about the number seven, I not only learned more than you and I would ever need or want to know about the number seven, but also found that this investigation sparked many other ideas about using numbers to enhance our storytelling and our story choosing. In this article, I will share some interesting facts and superstitions about the number seven, refer to stories with seven characters, and also some other thoughts about numbers in general.

Read more on “Sevens” and Ways to Use the Magic of Numbers for Storytelling…




A passion for some; a chore for others, the basics of writing are relatively straightforward, involving simply throwing words together and making sentences, using pen and paper or more typically, today, a computer. Let’s face it, writing is something we do without a great deal of thought. For some, writing is easy and often a pleasurable solitary pursuit; for others writing presents a daunting task.
For others, writing is a creative outlet, and something that is thoroughly enjoyed. Writing gives people a chance to get their feelings down on paper. It can be cathartic.

Read more on Writing…
