Day: 20 June 2014

The FIRST Essential Ingredient for Business Success

The FIRST Essential Ingredient for Business Success

You had 24 hours yesterday. So what did you do with them?

Did you fritter them away in mindless and pointless activities? Did you vegetate in front of the TV? Did you go out for dinner with your lover? Did you work for 8 hours making someone else rich? Did you work on your business so that it grows and achieves for you the dreams you dream of?

Read more on The FIRST Essential Ingredient for Business Success…


Anxiety Disorders – Distinguishing the Types of disorders

Anxiety Disorders – Distinguishing the Types of disorders

People suffer from a variety of anxiety disorders, each with their own set of symptoms and recommended treatments. These disorders are clustered on a spectrum of overall anxiety, with some that affect the overall quality of life and others that are very specific. At one end of the spectrum is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Individuals who suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder will experience a overall tensions or anxiety that with their ability to lead a normal life. Even the smallest things incite low levels of anxiety, even when there is no apparent reason or this worry or stress. People with this disorder worry about all aspects of their life – money, family, work, their health and the health of family and friends.

Read more on Anxiety Disorders – Distinguishing the Types of disorders…


Great Resources For Publishing Your Works!

Great Resources For Publishing Your Works!

Are you the next great budding novelist among us? What story have you written that you can~t wait to tell? Are you passionate about a hobby and want to share your knowledge with fellow enthusiasts? As a writer, you share one thing in common among each other: the pursuit of a means to get your written works out to the general public. When large publishing houses once dominated the book market, a literary agent was needed to promote your works. This needed to be established before an editor would consider your writings.

Read more on Great Resources For Publishing Your Works!…
