Nelson Mandela paid a big prize for freedom of his people in South Africa

Every generation of Africans henceforth, should be proud of this great statesman

Life in jail for 27 years, was the pain he endured to set his people free from Apartheid rule

So much will be said about his life and times for a long time to come

On the five continents, Madiba is revered. The Mandela, is Africa’s coming money currency

No more, should leaders in any country hold their people in captivity


Madiba will remain the greatest statesman Africa has produced

African Union (AU) should uphold his lessons of freedom and statesmanship

No time is too long, or prize too big to pay, for freedom of citizens

Don’t hold your people in captivity; don’t take their welfare for granted

Every leader should emulate Madiba’s fight for self-determination and good governance

Let my people go! He told the Apartheid Pharaohs. They let go, 27 years later

A great African statesman has gone to be with the Lord @ 95. Fare thee well, Madiba.

(11 December 2013)

Eric Okeke is a CSR specialist and strategist in brand marketing and mobilizing support for corporate and social issues. He is the brand storyteller, writer, speaker, author and media consultant, with training in chemistry, marketing and business journalism. As a business writer and speaker, he has recorded a good career in media consulting and journalism which he started at The Guardian, Lagos.

Eric’s communications niche is storytelling which he is now using to empower professionals and improve business returns in Nigeria. Email him at,, Tel +234 803 301 4609; +234 817 301 4609.

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