Have you ever wondered about the origins and meaning of Halloween?

Americans and Canadians celebrate it every October 31 with pumpkins et al

Look beyond celebrations to determine the spiritual implications

Look at celebrations worldwide to determine differences and significances

Other festivities like Halloween are celebrated worldwide as public holidays to contact spirits of the dead, fairies, witches and demon angels

With candies, decorations and costumes, Halloween is celebrated in the Western world

Eighteenth Century C.E, Hallowed Evening appears in print as Halloween

Even Christian celebrants are unaware of pagan origins of Halloween symbols

Nationwide public holidays for Halloween started in the USA in 20th Century C.E

(30 October 2013)

Eric Okeke is a CSR specialist and strategist in brand marketing and mobilizing support for corporate and social issues. He is the brand storyteller, writer, speaker, author and media consultant, with training in chemistry, marketing and business journalism. As a business writer and speaker, he has recorded a good career in media consulting and journalism which he started at The Guardian, Lagos.

Eric’s communications niche is storytelling which he is now using to empower professionals and improve business returns in Nigeria. Email him at, ericokeke@gmail.com, ericosamba@yahoo.com Tel +234 803 301 4609; +234 817 301 4609.

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