Month: October 2013

Don’t Give Up

I learnt a lesson recently about the admonition I have read so many times: Don’t give up. The breakthrough maybe just round the bend.

Scene 1

My junior brother, a university lecture  arrived Lagos from Jo’Burg, South Africa after completing his Doctorate degree programme in Urban & Regional Planning. He needed money and asked me to escort him to the nearest branch of United Bank of Africa, (UBA) he saw on his way home from the airport, to get some cash with his ATM card.

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Storyteller, Reviewer – Interview with Susan Keefe (2 October 2013)


Some time in April, Susan sent me an email asking me if I’d publish a review she’d written. I took some time to reply because, at the time, my little dachshund had passed away. When I told her what had happened, she was very lovely and told me something I’ll never forget: with time the pain will become less, but the bond lasts forever. Since then, we’ve been keeping in touch and I asked if she’d agree to be interviewed. I was glad she did and here’s her story.

Read more on Storyteller, Reviewer – Interview with Susan Keefe (2 October 2013)…


Searching for a job?…What’s your experience? (2)

Final extract from my new book titled…Corruption Stop It!..Let my people go

Theodora left home early on the day of oral interview without eating breakfast. She did not want a repeat of what happened last time. The venue was crowded with job seekers and she wondered if everyone passed the aptitude test.  They were called in threes into a room for the interview. Suddenly she heard a loud call out: Theodora Tom! She looked up and was directed to another room. Entering, she saw the manager who came out the other day to usher her into the aptitude test.

Read more on Searching for a job?…What’s your experience? (2)…
