What is book design, and why do I need it?
What is book design, and why do I need it?
You’ve spent weeks, months – maybe a year – writing your book, and you’re now ready to release it to the world.
What is book design, and why do I need it?
You’ve spent weeks, months – maybe a year – writing your book, and you’re now ready to release it to the world.
The other day I attended a half day program where seven presenters — all with high level positions in the IT (Information Technology) field — gave us their “take” on career opportunities. Even though each focused on their own area of expertise and how they had reached their positions, each of the seven stressed that the two most important qualities considered when hiring and promoting were interpersonal skills and continual learning. Of course, you say, with technology moving and changing so quickly, keeping up with learning is a given. But I say to you, that to succeed in any endeavor and/or career, we must be learning constantly. And there are so many ways to learn on a daily basis. Let me count the ways!
Very often when I tell someone I am a storyteller, they will say, “Oh, how nice. Do you tell stories to children in the schools and at the libraries?” Well, yes, I do tell stories to children of all ages, but I also tell stories to adults. And, in my opinion, adults need and want the stories even more than the children. In this article, I am going to address why we, as storytellers, tell to adults. I will be including some quotes and ideas from many other storytellers and story lovers.
Read more on Dreams of Love: A Book of Poems and Short Stories by Carla Golian…
My new book called ‘Corruption. Stop It…‘Let my people go,’ is ready for publishing. This is the introduction to the story:
Breaking News!
Pharaohs Must Crash: Lead us out of bondage
“We are talented Nigerian youths aspiring to the top. But a very big problem has held us stand still over the years. He is Corruption and his gang. They are today’s Pharaohs gripping the people in bondage and refuse to let go. They are ravaging our country and causing misery for the people. They have forced the young and old to live in pains and poverty. We are suffering and wasting. They are prospering and enjoying life.