Day: 16 May 2013

Questions Storytellers Are Often Asked and How They Answer

Questions Storytellers Are Often Asked and How They Answer

When I tell people that I am a “storyteller” right away they fire back a slew of questions. In this article I am going to share some questions and answers from two of my favorite storytelling friends. These mini-articles appeared originally as posts on the StoryTell List. Whether or not you are a storyteller and/or a listener, you will find them insightful, entertaining and illuminating.

Read more on Questions Storytellers Are Often Asked and How They Answer…


Query Writing Mistakes to Avoid

Query Writing Mistakes to Avoid

You know that you’re not supposed to start your letters with “Dear Editor,” need to follow proper formatting protocol, and should always send your queries to the correct person, right? You’ve no doubt also mastered the art of kicking out embarrassing grammar goof-ups, know more about your word processing software than you do about your fiancé, and have learnt the dangers of the begging routine (also known as the my-mom-thinks-it’s-fantabulous syndrome).

Read more on Query Writing Mistakes to Avoid…


Proofreading Your Own Document

Proofreading Your Own Document

You’ve just written an important paper, business communique, or other document that will be read by others and perhaps will be the basis for a classroom grade, a prospective business arrangement, or provide necessary information for a specific situation. Regardless of the end use of this document, it is important to you that it not contain any errors or embarrassing grammar and punctuation mistakes. You’ve run spellcheck, but you understand that spellcheck isn’t foolproof. Your document needs to be proofread.

Read more on Proofreading Your Own Document…


Presentation Skills – The 7 Rules of Visual Design

Presentation Skills – The 7 Rules of Visual Design

The following comprise the rules of presentation visual design that, if heeded, will almost always assure that your audiences will be able to follow your ideas every step of the way. Of course, you must keep in mind that visual design is only one-third of the package required for a successful presentation, the other two being content and delivery.

Read more on Presentation Skills – The 7 Rules of Visual Design…


Presentation Skills – Proper Slide Delivery

Presentation Skills – Proper Slide Delivery

The only way to assure your presentation audience will stay with you every step of the way is to maintain proper eye contact throughout your presentation. Proper eye contact involves delivering your presentation as a series of one-on-one conversations with each member of the audience, and holding eye-contact with members through to the end of a thought or complete sentence. Most presenters hold eye contact with any one person no more than one second – to effectively bond with your audience, you need to pump that up to a range more like three to eight.

Read more on Presentation Skills – Proper Slide Delivery…


Presentation Design – The Good, The Bad, & The Mediocre

Presentation Design – The Good, The Bad, & The Mediocre

Your job as a presentation designer is to make ideas into visual images. For your presentations to work, the visual images must convey exactly what you want to say and require the least possible effort on the part of your audience to “get it”. The difference between a visual that works and one that fails is good design.

Read more on Presentation Design – The Good, The Bad, & The Mediocre…


Press Release Writing Tips

Press Release Writing Tips

A press release is an announcement of a newsworthy item that is issued to journalists and other media representatives. And it is a document that is generally formatted in a basic manner across the publishing industry for quick, efficient handing across the board of your news by media professionals.

Read more on Press Release Writing Tips…
