What Do I Mean By Storytelling and Storyteller Ethics?
What Do I Mean By Storytelling and Storyteller Ethics?
Original source: http://www.creativekeys.net/StorytellingPower/article1047.html
Both weekly and monthly, I receive a huge number of publications that deal with business and technology. Ever since the whole Enron scandal became news, these magazines have and are featuring more and more articles dealing with ethics, honesty and trust. In every profession and career, attention to ethics, integrity, honesty and trust are paramount to ultimate success. Whether we are full-time professional storytellers or tell stories part-time professionally (for a fee), I suggest that there are ethics and principles that we, as tellers, should embrace and follow. In this article I am going to highlight and explain the storyteller’s ethics and principles in which I believe. I will warn you that in this article I am more opinionated than ever, but these are the beliefs that have worked for me over the years and have worked for those storytellers who are at the top of the storytelling profession today.
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