Month: May 2013

What Do I Mean By Storytelling and Storyteller Ethics?

What Do I Mean By Storytelling and Storyteller Ethics?

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Both weekly and monthly, I receive a huge number of publications that deal with business and technology. Ever since the whole Enron scandal became news, these magazines have and are featuring more and more articles dealing with ethics, honesty and trust. In every profession and career, attention to ethics, integrity, honesty and trust are paramount to ultimate success. Whether we are full-time professional storytellers or tell stories part-time professionally (for a fee), I suggest that there are ethics and principles that we, as tellers, should embrace and follow. In this article I am going to highlight and explain the storyteller’s ethics and principles in which I believe. I will warn you that in this article I am more opinionated than ever, but these are the beliefs that have worked for me over the years and have worked for those storytellers who are at the top of the storytelling profession today.

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What Do Editors Want?

What Do Editors Want?

At a recent SCBWI conference in Denver, Melanie Cecka, Senior Editor for Viking Children’s Books, tried to answer that perennial question, “What are editors looking for?” Her answer–and this is a real kicker–is that because publishers are cutting back on the size of their lists, editors are looking for reasons not to publish your book.

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Use Time and Timing Wisely for Powerful Storytelling

Use Time and Timing Wisely for Powerful Storytelling

Anyone who has told stories often knows the importance of time and timing. Used with planning, time can be a storyteller’s best friend. Used without thought, however, time can ruin a performance and rob a teller of credibility, reputation, and the joy of experiencing eager listeners. In this article, I will highlight the ins and outs of time management for storytellers – and I am not referring to the Day Planner kind of time management!

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Use the Power of the Pause to Strengthen Your Storytelling

Use the Power of the Pause to Strengthen Your Storytelling

When we are telling stories to a group, and especially as a newer storyteller, one of the most difficult techniques to master is the use of the pause. Even in everyday conversation, most people have a problem with silence. Somehow we feel we must always fill a space with words. And yet silence and a pause during the telling of a story not only enhances the audience’s understanding of the story, it also builds anticipation. In this article I will discuss the whys and how of using pauses to strengthen your storytelling.

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