On-line Education an information explosion article
If there is one revolution that has swept the world in a relatively short span of time, it is certainly Internet Revolution. Internet has rejuvenated many sectors such as Service, Manufacturing, Health-care, Education and a lot more. In more than one way, the emergence of Internet in Education sector has paved way for making huge profits and stands as a clear winner in this game of bandwidth connectivity.
On-line education for instance is increasingly attracting the students segment across the world. Some thirty years back, the students had to seek admissions in schools and colleges. Today, the penetration of Internet has created a platform to these students to study at home or at places convenient to them. In fact, some of the on-line educational institutions offer courses at affordable fees. The flexibility is in your time and place. Students can elsewhere work during the day and spend the night doing the courses on-line.
An exciting feature in this type of on-line education is that many diploma and degree courses are offered to all categories of people cutting across linguistic, locational and age barriers. For instance, a student can spend five hours a day, a father three hours and a typical executive who is confined to the office premises working for an organization during the day
can spend his leisurely night doing the course.
The onslaught of Internet explosion has only increased the demand for more on-line educational programmes. Two typical advantages of going online is that fast-paced results and instant feedback (response to a query) take you through and groups of people instantly start interacting with one another to exchange views. Today, the best investment is knowledge.
Literacy, for instance, has an impact on the on-line education programmes. In rural areas, the local communities primarily consisting of farmers in villages and small townships play a vital role in the development of on-line education. Special tailor-made programmes are offered to suit the needs and demands of local communities. The knowledge base is so widened that information gathering is just happening with a click of a mouse.
The on-line explosion has the following unique features:
1. Most of the online programmes provide necessary tools and resources on-line and therefore, cost per programme is minimized.
2. You can do a course in six months, 12 months or the duration of your own choice. Courses are adapted to suit your own choice.
3. All these can be done from your office or at home or anywhere around the world. People who often travel will find it extremely convenient because it is just done from your own comfort zone.
4. Knowledge sharing is another vital feature in this information age. The disseminated information passes through various gateways keeping you updated at each stage about the happenings around the community.
R. Balaji works for a leading newspaper company in New Delhi. He regularly writes artciles and stories. He can be contacted at hp31_67@yahoo.com
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