Influence Your Audience With Your With Your Story Using These 4 Tips

As a storyteller, what you’re doing when you tell a story is painting a picture. The part of your anatomy that you use most when telling this story is your imagination. And, it’s just amazing that how little of it you have to use to get your readers interested in your story. Here are just four tips to help you.

1. Make your audience FEEL like listening to you.

What I mean by this is very simple: put yourself in the position of your intended audience. What would make you feel like listening to your own story? Once you’ve got the answer to this question sorted out, you’ll know that your audience will want to listen to your story even more.

2. Make it HIS story.

What I mean by this is that when you tell the story, use the words, “You” all the time – if you know the name of the author, then all the better. Involve them in the tale you’re telling. Every person in the audience loves it when they’re name is used by the storyteller.

3. Ask a QUESTION of your audience.

Do you remember a time in your childhood when you were left alone in the house? The lights went out and it was scary. Do you remember that night? Now, you’ve got to admit that even you would like to know the rest of the tale.

4. Describe something the audience does NOT want to relive.

You’ve just been asked to submit a story of no more than 500 words … in one hour. You’ve not transcribed the interviews and you’ve hit writer’s block.

Can you see how you’ve caught your audience’s attention?

All you need to tell a good story is emotion. Once you’ve got it and also ‘ignited’ it in your audience, you will have them eating out of your hands.

Copyright © 2006 Jane Goodlaw. All Rights Reserved.

Jane does not manage a website. She has no ezine to promote and all she is doing here is sharing her knowledge with you. If you would like to contact her, please do so at By the way, there is no problem with you using this article, as long as you do not make money from it – you do not need to send her an email to ask permission to use this article. She’s not so arrogant as to charge for information she shares and hopes that you aren’t too. But, please, keep the article and this byline intact.

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