Day: 12 February 2013

Finding Key Influencers With Your “VIP” List

Finding Key Influencers With Your “VIP” List

Of all the strategies available for marketing yourself and your work, this one can be the most powerful. Ironically, it’s the most underused.

Who do you know that can help you with your marketing efforts? Very often, sending a few signed (and personalized) books to a few key “gatekeepers” can do more than ten great publicity strategies combined.

Read more on Finding Key Influencers With Your “VIP” List…


Finding a Book Publisher

Finding a Book Publisher

Recently, a few writer-friends on the Absolute Write message boards and I were lamenting the fact that many inexperienced writers get tricked into believing that vanity presses and borderline-vanity presses are traditional publishers. We were talking about the numbers, mostly—how did so many new writers even find these publishers?

Read more on Finding a Book Publisher…


For Successful Fiction, Add Conflict — Twice

For Successful Fiction, Add Conflict — Twice

Previously in the pages of CBI I have often written about the basic structure for children’s fiction: a character encounters an obstacle or conflict of some kind, and then resolves it through his or her own purposeful action. This makes up the events of the story, or the plot. How the character changes as a person through this conflict and resolution process reflects the book’s theme, or underlying message. But lately I’ve been thinking that the above explanation is too simple.

Read more on For Successful Fiction, Add Conflict — Twice…


Family Storytelling

Family Storytelling

Storytelling is an effective way to build quality time together with members of your family. It is also a terrific way to collect family memories, lore and folktales to save and pass from generation to generation…

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Faith and Destiny

Faith and Destiny

Destiny knew that she had a great calling to fulfill.  She had agreed to take on a spiritual assignment that would bring love and joy to her little corner of the world.  However, her inner critic was loud and persistent.  She did not believe that she was capable of accomplishing that which she was meant to do.  Even after years of spiritual lessons and tutoring from the angels themselves, she still did not believe in herself.  It wasn’t that she did not want to do it.  Her inner critic always convinced her that she wasn’t ready quite yet.  Years were passing by and she was still waiting to become worthy of her own special place in the world.

Read more on Faith and Destiny…


Everyone Loves a Good Story!

Everyone Loves a Good Story!

Everyone, no matter what age, loves a good story. And stories have been around as long as humans could communicate with each other. Our great books of wisdom are filled with stories. It is the stories we remember and internalize. A well told story makes a party worth attending, a speech worth remembering, and a class worth taking.

Read more on Everyone Loves a Good Story!…
