Your Life Shines In Your Job Choices

Could you rank your jobs in your life by their relevance to your life? All of life is full of choices; your job choices should reflect how you lead your life. You can make the most out of your job selections by allowing how you conduct yourself in life to filter into your jobs. When you care a lot about your jobs, your life in turn greatly benefits.

Career choices are a reflection of your passions, interests and aptitude. While some people are born with innate abilities that can develop into grand contributions to society if fostered properly, others must dig deep and work hard to bring their capabilities up to speed with their passions. Your job is to find what are your strongest aptitudes and find out if your passions for these areas match. In some ways, this is like asking, “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” However, once you find a good match, you can own your career choices.

If you philosophize too much about finding your passion first, then you may not hit the mark. Reason being, not every passion has a market or fits into the work environment. For many people who struggle to bring home a paycheck and work just to meet a basic need, the process of finding the right career choice takes a little longer and requires much sacrifice before they find a level that works for them. If you keep in mind that no job is unimportant and every job gets you closer to your career path, the journey can be much easier and sweeter.

Not all career choices come with a paycheck. For instance, the job of a full-time parent comes without financial rewards. In spite the lack of paycheck, many people consider parenting the most important job in their lives.

When you consider the benefits to forming a stable family environment and to developing lives that will later go on to contribute positively in society, the pay off comes later on down the road. This type of work is closer matching a passion rather than an aptitude, even though sacrifice and continual education will greatly benefit this job.

It doesn’t matter what aptitude or skill you’re born with ~ everyone is suited for some type of job in life. Everyone can uniquely contribute to society and you deserve the opportunity to explore what makes you tick. For some people, a high profile job fits their personality; others seek a job that is much more private. In the end, the job that’s right for you is one that fits you and your life.

When you find that match, you have undoubtedly found the most important job at your stage in life.

Copyright 2005 Harold Rino. All rights reserved.

Harold Rino is the author of Fig Job one of the best on-line job sites. Make sure you visit his archive of articles:

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