Business Visibility for High Profits – Seven Ways
Is your present marketing working? Working well enough to take a yearly vacation, buy that needed car, or create tuition enough to send your child to college?
Do you wonder how you can write powerful copy for email marketing, stay in touch with your potential clients, and keep your web site selling?
Now you can attract all the clients and product sales you want with… No selling. No expensive Google ads or pay-per-click tools. No telephone cold or warm calls. No seminars, travel. panty hose. No closing. No hard-to-learn techie ways. You can reach this goal by creating the following seven ways to get your service business more visible.
1. Power up your signature file. Does it inspire your reader to take action? Always include your contact information, a free offer such as an ezine or special report. Make sure you put your defining statement under your name. Potential clients don’t care about the initials after your name. They care what you can do for them. Automate your signature file so it’s on every email you send out-a really soft way to sell yourself. It’s a big mistake to not include your sig file in each email you send.
2. Brand your business with a short print or eBook. Stop thinking difficult, expensive and the long, slow traditional path. You don’t need to write the end all, be all book. Today’s busy people want a short read. They don’t have time to read long books loaded with stories. They want their information fast and easy-to-read. A book coach can help you make each page of your book market itself by engaging its readers in each chapters.
A saleable book is well organized, well formatted and answers the questions your clients need answers for. You are much more likely to get glowing testimonials this way too.
3. Know your preferred audience-your potential clients and customers before you write a marketing piece. This is all important for each seminar, email, enewsletter, and web copy you create. Take time to create an audiece profile. Does your audience use the internet? Are they primarily women or men? Age group? What questions do they want answered?
4. Write short tip and how to articles. Submit these as a complimentary report to your email lists each two weeks.
Then, when your group thinks they are ready for you, they will remember how much you helped them along the way. They will see you as the savvy expert in your field. Writing articles are money in the bank. You can leverage one article into four. You can use them in your ezines. You can submit to them to top web sites and article directories. These publishers want your original information for their subscribers. When the subscribers read your articles and like what you say, they will flock to your web site.
5. Submit your articles to high traffic web sites and article directories. This takes only a half hour a day or about four hours total a week. After you gather 10 articles, you are ready to grab the fortunes of viral marketing. When people see your article on one site, they may use it on their own site, on their blogs, and in their ezines. This is endless publicity that keeps your name alive for many years.
6. Delegate the submissions to an assistant like your internet marketing coach does. For five hours of web marketing each week that sends two articles to around 50 web sites, the cost is $50 for over $5000 sales each month. This giving to get advanced article marketing is the #one way to get big visibility to your business.
7. Revise your web copy on your home page and service pages if your aren’t attracting plenty of clients. Did you know that each product and service you offer needs a sales letter so your potential clients will have enough information to make a decision to buy?
Make your business much more visible at the lowest cost and time investment. Use these seven ways and profit!
Book and Internet Marketing Coach Judy Cullins helps businesses build clients and sell books. Author of “How to Write your Book Fast” and “The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Targeted Web Traffic,” Judy offers free eBook “Book Writing and Marketing Tips” with monthly ezines at
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