Because of my years spent in Australia, I have a fondness for this country. I, therefore, decided to do some research into people who are into storytelling in Australia. I found Kristy’s site, quite by chance and I sent her an email asking if she’d agree to be interviewed for this column. She agreed, and without further ado, I have great pleasure in introducing to you, Kristy Taylor …
Aneeta: Thank you so much Kristy, for agreeing to this interview.
Kristy: Not a problem, Aneeta.
Aneeta: Let us begin with a little about you. Please, tell us a little about your family, where you live and what you do.
Kristy: Well, I live in Queensland Australia. I’m married to my high school sweet heart; we’ve been together for nearly twenty years. We have one son, aged ten, and three dogs.
Aneeta: I understand that you run a publishing company, KT Publishing. Please, share with us the kind of work you publish.
Kristy: My business partner (Penny) and I run the business together. Since 1998 we have published five books, numerous websites with their own ezines, on off-line newsletter and magazine, and we also offer editing and proofreading services, which covers many different types of documents, books, brochures, etc …
Aneeta: I understand that you run and manage several websites. Let’s begin with the first one: Please describe this site and tell us what is the purpose behind it.
Kristy: We started to help bring all of the current competitions from around the world to the one place. We knew that we had difficulties in finding good writing competitions, so knew that other people were probably having the same problem. We also wanted to make the site completely free to use; free to post listings and free to browse listings.
Aneeta: Let’s move on to Writing Australia. Please tell me a little more about this site and what it is you hope to achieve.
Kristy: With we source only Australian markets and competitions for our paying members (members are welcome from anywhere in the world), as well as software and ebooks and other bits and pieces that we feel will be beneficial in any writer’s career. The paid membership also includes a profile page, whereby the member can link to a photo or book cover, and include details about themselves and their writing for all the world to see (their page can be updated at any time). They can use this page to promote their books or writing services. Paid members are also eligible to send in 6 free entries to our own short story competitions, of which two are held each year. The main site also offers a free ezine to anyone who is interested in writing for Australian markets and competitions, many different articles on writing (we also publish and a few other bits and pieces (like a free character name generator with giveaway rights). You really need to pop over to the site to get a feel of everything.
Aneeta: And finally, your personal website
Kristy: Ha, yes, my own site that I never seem to find the time to update. Basically what I’m wanting to achieve with this site is to create a place for visitors to find out a little more about me and what I’ve been up to, whether it’s when my latest book will be released or if I’ve launched a new site. I did attempt to start a blog, but alas, that thing called time always eludes me. I’m also at university doing my Bachelor of e-Journalism so once that’s finished I should have more … what was the word? Oh, yes, TIME!
Aneeta: I understand also, that you’ve got several books and one novel published. By all means, please tell us a little more about these.
Kristy: Some days we all need a little inspiration or encouragement to start writing, so I put together a book that does just that. Each page of Quotes to Write by: Daily Inspiration And Guidance for Writers is headed with a date/day of the year, so you simply open to today’s date (the day you are feeling un-inspired) and read the quote from a famous, or infamous, writer. I have selected quotes that I feel would be not only inspirational but also ‘a kick in the guts’ if need be. Some of them may make you want to scream, but ultimately they make you want to write! Details of this book can be found at I also have a contemporary novel, Preston’s Promise, due out in July 2007 and a top secret new book that should be out by the end of this year (hopefully). It’s an insider’s guide to writing short fiction, with a special twist. I’m keeping the details of this one under wraps until closer to the launch day (check my site regularly for updates
Aneeta: As you may know, my website caters for storytellers and I try to help those storytellers who are particularly from Asia and Africa. What advice can you give my readers who would like to publish their work in Australia?
Kristy: Study Australian markets and ask for submission guidelines. Follow the guidelines to the letter. Having access to the Internet makes doing this much easier.
Aneeta: Well, Kristy, I’ve come to the end of this interview. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Kristy: Good luck to all of your writers, getting that first acceptance letter is a wonderful feeling. Keep submitting, even when you’re feeling down. Try to get as many manuscripts out there as possible, as no editor will know you if you don’t put your name in front of their face.
Aneeta: Thank you, once again, for agreeing to this interview.
Kristy: Thanks Aneeta, it was a pleasure.
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