
I received an email about a week ago from Bob inviting me to participate in his project. I hopped over to his website and found such a wealth of information that I just had to ask Bob if he’d agree to be interviewed. He did. Without further ado, I have great pleasure in introducing you to Bob Grant …

Thank you for the invitation for this interview – something about me includes the fact that I am 63 – been married for 41 years – been a school teacher, in the Army duringViet Nam, a corporate flunky, and a small business owner.  I am not a writer by profession or any other criteria so I am not in a position to provide advice for writers – in fact, I was a Physical Education major in college who went to school to major in football.  However, I have grown to enjoy reading very much and I have tremendous respect for the written word and for people who can intelligently put their thoughts into written form.

The name of this Online Magazine – http://www.SpeakWithoutInterruption

.com – came to me while watching the Pundits, and other TV personalities, continually talk over one another to a point whereby I could not understand any of the conversation or exchange of ideas.  Originally, I sent out invitations to Pundits – and associated parties – inviting them to finish their conversations on our new blog.  Unfortunately,  and not surprisingly, I received no replies.  I then thought – if it were not for writers – these Pundits, and personalities, probably would not have much to say?   Therefore, I began a campaign to invite writers to participate in our blog.  At this writing I am humbled by the fact that so many talented individuals have decided to become contributors to our blog –  some contribute daily, some contribute occasionally, and some have yet to submit a post.

My immediate goal for this Online Magazine is to increase the number of quality writers who want to participate.  I hope this Online Magazine becomes a place where quality writers – from around the world – can both share their thoughts with their fellow writers and also with those who will be visiting our site to read what has been written and posted.  I recently had a request, from a prospective new contributor fromMexico, to post his articles in Spanish.  I welcomed this idea enthusiastically – and depending on how this is received – would entertain postings in other languages from other parts of the world.

This is different from anything I have ever done but I enjoy it very much.  I have enjoyed seeing it grow, over the last few months, and am amazed by the number of talented – and quality – writers who have taken a chance on a complete stranger.  I believe – in just the three months that we have been operational – that we have filled a niche that has not been approached before to any degree.  Hopefully, our site will continue to grow and expand in both its contributors and its viewers.

I would be remiss if I did not tell you that I have visited your wonderful country.  In a previous business – I brought a customer to Malaysia to look for possible sources for products they wanted to purchase.  We stayed in Kuala Lumpur close to the Twin Towers.  We then went out – during the day – to various factories within a day’s drive of Kuala Lumpur.  I found your country – and city – to be a very pleasant place to visit.  I still remember the lush countryside and was amazed by the rubber plantations with the rubber trees all in very systematic rows.

Again, thank you for this opportunity – we can also be followed on Twitter

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