Storytelling – the inherent power of success
Would you believe me if I told you that you already have the power to succeed? It’s latent and just waiting to be tapped into. It’s relatively easy to learn and it reaps rewards that help you throughout your lifetime. It is also one of the skills that never becomes outdated or even useless but one that only becomes better the more you practice. What is this power? Storytelling.
Storytelling has an effect of everyday life that is amazing. People have discovered it to get what they want in life and here are just four examples of actual conversations (with a few modifications as to names, places and so on) that show that when a story was told, there were positive repercussions, namely:
A sale was made
A lecture was successfully delivered
A job was secured
Friendships were made
Conversation #1 – a sale was made
Sales person A said, “The crystal you are holding in your hand is good for bringing wealth.”
Then, before Jane could ask anything, sales person A said, “the colour in this crystal is yellow. Make a wish, buy this and I guarantee that your wish will come true.”
Jane nodded politely, said, “Just looking …” and walked away.
Sales person B said, “I see you are interested in the yellow crystal.”
After Jane nodded and said, “You know, that has been my best selling item. Actually it has helped me personally too. Can I tell you the story?”
Jane agreed and sales person B said, “Well, about a year ago, I lost my job. The bank was after me. I chanced upon these crystals. They come from the caves of this mountain where there is a story that the Goddess of wealth who is supposed to appear from time to time. I don’t know what the powers are in these crystals but I tell you, that day, when I went to the bank, the officer was so patient. He listened to me and instead of seizing my property, we re-negotiated. I was given time and since then I have started this business and am slowly succeeding.”
Jane nodded and said, “Tell me more about this crystal…” and in no time at all, Jane bought the crystal.
Conversation #2 – a brilliant lecture was delivered
Jack, an average lecturer at the university, began speaking to his class about the rather obscure topic of ‘History and the art of story telling with an emphasis on examples of satire’
He began in a tedious, monotone: “There are many cultures in this world …” blah, blah, blah. He never bothered look at his audience to see it anyone was paying attention to what he was saying
When he did look up he saw some of his students beginning to yawn and some others preparing to leave. Even though he felt dejected, Jack decided to plod along and finish his lecture. When the class ended, there were almost no students and Jack’s energy was completely drained.
At 11 o’clock in the morning, Jack was to deliver the same lecture but to a different group of students. But this time, he decided to try something a little different…
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